How many times have you caught yourself thinking or saying, “ugh, I have to ______ (insert a task or event from your busy life)”? It’s easy to do. Carolyn and I know as we’ve said it (or grumbled it) many times.
However, some influential people in our lives encouraged us to stop the grumbling and take that same feeling and flip it on its head. Instead of “I have to,” say, “I get to.”
It’s a simple rephrasing, but a quantum shift in mindset. There is power in facing down a difficult or unwanted task with gratitude.
For example, it was easy for us to bemoan having to run around bringing our kids to various sports or extracurricular activities. However, when we started to flip the perspective around and say, “we GET to bring them to_____ ,” it was a huge “Aha” moment.
We realized that there are many benefits of being glorified Mama-Uber or Dado-Lyft. Among them is we get to support our children’s ambitions, watch them grow stronger and more well-rounded, support them in their challenges and victories, spend uninterrupted time with them in the car, hear the highs and lows of their day, and get to truly be a part of their lives and grow the ties that bind for a lifetime to come.
Now this message isn’t just for parents with young children. Life can feel mentally and physically exhausting at times for anyone. We all lead busy lives filled with many daily responsibilities and people that depend on us. No matter who we are, what we do for a living, or where we are at in our lives, there can be a heavy sense of obligation at times that leads us feeling…well, a bit frayed.
Some days it feels like we’re barely surviving rather than thriving. Other days we might feel trapped. These feelings can and do cause anxiety, frustration, anger, and resentment. But beware of this negativity as it is contagious and can unintentionally sour other aspects of your life and lead to regret.
We only get this one life, and we really don’t know how much time we have left. So next time you’re exhausted and thinking “I have to”….stop, breathe, and change your words to “I get to.” Say it out loud even! It’ll change your life. We promise.