Long-term care costs are on the rise. Industry-driven, massively underpriced policies are playing fiscal catch up with hefty premium rate increases. This price increase is forcing some aging Americans to abandon their policy while others struggle to reduce their amount of long-term care coverage to keep their rates affordable or reduce their future lifestyle by […]
Archives for September 2021
Plan Ahead Before a Crisis Occurs
You could hear your mother say that, right? And how often have you wished that you’d followed mother’s good advice? Nobody really wants to think in advance about accidents or illness. But if no advance planning has been done, and if an elderly parent has broken a hip, say, and is about to be discharged […]
Don’t Make These Mistakes When It Comes to Inheritances and Medi-Cal
When mistakes are made concerning inheritances and Medi-Cal (California’s Medicaid program), the cost could become significant. Those mistakes can be costly. When a person is drawing Medi-Cal benefits and inherits money or property, that inheritance jeopardizes the benefits. The inheritance must be handled carefully to minimize expensive penalties. What “careful” means, though, can be misunderstood […]
Don’t Forget to Plan for Incapacity!
As an Orange County estate planning lawyer, I often find that people associate the phrase “estate planning” with the task of making final plans and ensuring that loved ones are provided for after death. While we all want to make sure that our families are taken care of when we’re no longer with them, planning […]
Considerations for Caregiving from Afar
Long-distance caregiving is defined as delivering care for an individual who lives an hour or more away according to The National Institute on Aging (NIA). This type of caregiving takes many forms – from arranging for in-home care, money management, bill paying, and information coordinator. You may also provide respite care for a primary caregiver, […]