May is National Elder Law Month! This month we show support for people who are age sixty-five and older. All around the nation, you will find activities that are geared specifically toward making sure seniors have the support, resources, and information they need to age successfully! Part of our law practice is designed to specifically […]
Archives for April 2018
How to Plan for a Loved One Who Has Autism
If you have the responsibility of a loved one with autism, the fate of this person’s future is in your hands. Planning for this person’s future is not a task to take lightly, or to begin without careful planning. Although the specific needs of an autistic individual can vary greatly depending on the severity of […]
Can Lack of Sleep Lead to Alzheimer’s?
You may already know that not getting enough good sleep can cause daytime sleepiness, an inability to make good decisions, car and other accidents, unhealthy food choices, weight gain, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes and a host of other health problems. But could poor sleep increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, too? Three recent studies are […]
How to Plan for Your Client’s Growing Family
If your clients are having a child, adopting, or marrying a spouse with children, you may already be meeting with them to discuss the family’s finances—everything from managing current costs to providing for the children’s future. But in those discussions, give them a huge gift: Let them know an estate plan is essential for any […]
How Do We Protect Our Future Against Uncertainty?
Estate planning isn’t about how much money you have, it’s about protecting what you have for you and your loved ones, today and in the future. An estate plan does so much more than protect your assets. It is a guide for you and your loved ones to follow when you need it most. Together, […]
How to Update Your Estate Planning After Divorce
Divorce is painful. It is not an experience that any of us wish to ever go through. Today across America, however, there is a steadily rising trend of seniors over the age of sixty who are divorcing. Research shows that divorce rates of people aged fifty and above have doubled between 1990 and 2010. Â […]
What Is Probate and Why Do I Want to Avoid It?
We’ve all head that we should avoid probate but may not necessarily know the reasons behind the desire. Kevin explains probate in a nutshell in California and provides insights on the top five reasons why you want to avoid it.