To understand what digital assets you might have and how important they are to you, think about an average day in your life. Do you: Use email? Have a social media presence on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Pinterest? Utilize a digital calendar? Have a Google account? Backup your computer files, music, videos, and […]
Archives for June 2016
Be Better By Slowing Down
Like many of you, between work and family, I have a pretty full schedule with little time in between.  From the time the alarm goes off in the morning until my head hits the pillow at night, I am constantly on the go. Sound familiar? Add the constant distraction of emails, text messages, and alerts, and […]
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
My five-year-old daughter loves flowers.  She loves picking them from our front yard, choosing arrangements at Trader Joe’s, and drawing pictures of them. Recently, she grew attached to a plastic Hawaiian lei from the Dollar Store. She called it her “flower necklace.”  On the way home from a party this weekend she told my wife and I that she […]
An Easy to Use Guide to Help Parents Name Guardians for Their Kids
You love your children more than anything in the world and would do anything to protect them. But what if something happens to you or you and your spouse – who will love, care, and raise them? Do not assume. Unless you have properly and legally nominated guardians in the event of your death or incapacity, all bets […]